Saturday, March 7, 2009


I have been given the task of supervising all of the testimonials that we receive and publishing them on Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn and then relaying all of them to our website guy who then publishes them online.

Some of the challenges that I faced in doing so was more so technical difficulties than anything else. For example, I'm not very familiar with working on LinkedIn so it was difficult to figure out how to post 4 to 5 testimonials. Also, LinkedIn has most of their text space extremely limited which didn't give me the adequate space to post all of the testimonials so I had to resort to making a slide show and publishing it on Wingteam's LinkedIn site. All in all, it worked out very well and Yvette was happy with the final product.

Also, if any of you out there have problems with LinkedIn in the future, I can answer some of your questions! HAHA.


  1. Reading through everyone's blogs I keep running accross technology trends.

    Facebook and blogging seem to be the most popular. How difficult is LinkedIn and do you believe it is a better resource?

  2. Yeah, technology keeps our business running! If our email goes down we are at a complete stand still.

    I feel that LinkedIn is somewhat difficult but I do also feel that it is a good resource, depending on how you use it. I feel that if you are on it every day networking and finding leads then it turn out to be a wonderful assett.
